Posts Tagged ‘ Visuals V.VII ’

“Male Member Needed For Critique Group,” by Jeff Crouch and Christopher Woods

May 20th, 2008 | By

(Click to Enlarge) ———— Jeff Crouch is an internet artist in Grand Prairie, Texas. Google “Jeff Crouch” to see where he has been. Christopher Woods lives in Houston and in Chappell Hill, Texas. It is in the latter place that he hears coyotes cry at night. He doesn’t mind them as much as the occasional

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“Wanna Play,” by Randy Thurman

May 20th, 2008 | By

Artwork by Randy Thurman Text by Luigi Fairbanks and Randy Thurman When I asked Mr. Thurman about his painting “Wanna Play,” he looked at me with such intensity that I feared he was trying to turn me inside out with his mind. After three minutes of unsettling eye contact, Mr. Thurman gave up this pursuit

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