Posts Tagged ‘ Visuals V.III ’

“Robot in Space,” by Steve Cartwright

Nov 20th, 2009 | By

———— Steve says: “It’s well known that an artist becomes more popular by dying, so I’m typing this with one hand while pummeling my head with a frozen mackerel with the other. I’ve done art for several magazines, newspapers, websites, commercial and governmental clients, books, and scribbling – but mostly drooling – on tavern napkins.

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“Butt Implants,” found by the Defenestration Crew

Jan 20th, 2008 | By

This is a single-page manual for a computer. It hasn’t been doctored in any way, save the removal of any company logos. It looks innocent at first glance, but then you notice something odd about the stick figure in the first panel. Why the hell does a stick figure have an ass?! ———— The Defenestration

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