Posts Tagged ‘ Poetry XIII.I ’

Two Poems by Matt Dennison

Apr 20th, 2016 | By

Onion Never buy a single onion if you live alone. For unless you are greatly skilled in the art of onion management, at some point you will end up with less than half an onion on a little plate on the middle shelf of a nearly-empty fridge, it’s pitiful, withered, stem looking like the sliced-off

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“Yours in undead desperation (a zombie soliloquy),” by Anna Della Zazzera

Apr 20th, 2016 | By

I’ve started to keep a Food and Feelings Journal,
but it just ends up sounding like the lamest brand of forced narrative.
Like Chicken Soup for the Mystically Reanimated Soul,
or that recurring dream I have where I’m the host of
a low-budget, zombie-themed daytime talk show,

“Food Policy,” by Bob Schildgen

Apr 20th, 2016 | By

The cigar is chewed to nothing,
there’s earwigs on the brie,
but the dumpster’s flowin’ over
and there’s plenty here for free.

“Debating the Draft,” by Maria Bonsanti

Apr 20th, 2016 | By

I have this need
to sometimes rhyme
my words, my phrases
give them time