Posts Tagged ‘ Poetry V.V ’

“Word Riot,” by Gerard Sarnat

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

Alone but not lonely yet plainly the only attendee older than forty, fifty … or sixty, and aside from the three pimply groupies with rainbow rubber banded braces in front row middle seats – likely the sole being with no lip, nose, or eyebrow piercings; or total body tattoos showing everywhere there’d been bare skin;

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2 Poems by Mark Cunningham

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

Ship-timber Beetle One cow, then another, ignites in the March sun, then stands in the long shadows and crops hay. Death does not level all: if you covered the earth with pyramids whose tips all reached the same height, then somehow managed to put you hand on all of them at once, they would not

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“Current Issue,” by Gale Acuff

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

All the good comic books have been picked through here at the Dunaway Rex-All Drug Store at the Cobb County Shopping Center, so I’m not sure what to do. We get out only once a week, every Friday, Father and Mother and I, for supper. After dessert, Father gives me my due –my allowance, twenty-five

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2 Poems by Robert Connal

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

A sonnet on unsteady buildings On homeward roads the granite houses march, their roofs pulled low against the lash of rain, their windows streaming sea-spray, rustic arch and cobbled path fence-deep in mud again. They’re drunk. The town is famed for drunken homes, its pavements wet with whiskey and its gutters deep in rum. Each

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