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Fiction XIX.IIi ’
Dec 20th, 2022 |
By Defenestration
“I don’t care if you have to lie down in a fucking coffin like Edith Sitwell,” Beelzebub says. “Get me some pages!”
This is my agent speaking. His name is not really Beelzebub—that’s just how I have him listed in my phone contacts. He’s very professional and he’s never spoken to me like this before. It’s just that I’ve pushed him to the end of whatever tether good agents are connected to their writers by. OK seriously—that sentence I just wrote? That is nothing like my usual high-quality prose. But just now, something really bad is happening to me.
Posted in Fiction, Prose |
Comments Off on “Rumplesynopsis,” by Iris. J. Melton
Tags: Fiction, Fiction XIX.IIi, Iris J. Melton, Prose, XIX.III
Dec 20th, 2022 |
By Defenestration
Out of all the 18,652 cosmic shapeshifters that had infiltrated the planet, Kymbyrlee was sure she was the only one who had yet to master walking. The thought came with predictable speed the moment she tripped on the sun-cracked pavement, her left heel hitting the pavement a little too hard. The connection sent a shock through her leg, compressing the rough skin of her foot painfully against bone. She caught herself with the other leg and avoided yet another scraped face, but she could feel her posture overcorrecting, becoming stiff and unnatural. She could feel the looks of passersby graze her, and couldn’t help imagining what they thought. She just wanted to get home.
Posted in Fiction, Prose |
Comments Off on “Imposter Syndrome,” by James Stuart
Tags: Fiction, Fiction XIX.IIi, Marlowe Gardiner-Heslin, Prose, XIX.III
Dec 20th, 2022 |
By Defenestration
Where does one lose their head? I did not remember ever losing my head before, or even hearing about other people losing their heads. I had never really considered this to be something that could happen. For obvious reasons, I needed to find my head again. However, I could probably find a temporary solution to last me for the rest of the day—at least until after work.
Posted in Fiction, Prose |
Comments Off on “Headless,” by Laerke Olsvig
Tags: Fiction, Fiction XIX.IIi, Laerke Olsvig, Prose, XIX.III
Dec 20th, 2022 |
By Defenestration
Miss Virginia Fryar’s breakfast was all but spoiled by the sight of the corpse in her back yard. Miss Virginia spotted it as she crossed the dew-wet lawn, carrying a tray that contained her usual morning Danish and coffee.
Posted in Fiction, Prose |
Comments Off on “A Thief in Monkey Junction,” by Deborah-Zenha Adams
Tags: Deborah-Zenha Adams, Fiction, Fiction XIX.IIi, Prose, XIX.III
Dec 20th, 2022 |
By Defenestration
Not long into the trial of the Steubenville Strangler, the prosecutor and the defense attorney fell deeply in love with each other. For obvious reasons, this was not an ideal development, and the two lawyers decided to keep this fact concealed from the rest of the courtroom.
Posted in Fiction, Prose |
Comments Off on “Lawyers in Love,” by Cameron Vanderwerf
Tags: Cameron Vanderwerf, Fiction, Fiction XIX.IIi, Prose, XIX.III