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Fiction XIV.II ’
Aug 20th, 2017 |
By Defenestration
The only thing to have survived the apocalypse is a recording of All Star by Smash Mouth. And language and grammar, because the man transcribing my story couldn’t be bothered to think of new grammatical and linguistic rules for a story he isn’t interested in. I imagine he listened to All Star and figured out the old ones or something. It upset me to hear he wasn’t interested in my story, because I think it’s quite good.
Posted in Fiction, Prose |
Comments Off on “All Star,” by Luka Watts
Tags: Fiction, Fiction XIV.II, Luka Watts, Prose, XIV.II
Aug 20th, 2017 |
By Defenestration
We are settled on our chairs, laptops atop laps, mugs of tea in hand, ready to hear the first short story when the buzzer buzzes. “Hang on. I thought we were all here,” says Darlene. We have our meetings in a small living room on the fourth floor of a downtown apartment building. We are only five, so we don’t need much space. “Someone named Jillian. Says you invited her,” she looks at me. “Sounds quite bossy.”
Posted in Fiction, Prose |
Comments Off on “Jillian Michael Joins My Writing Group,” by Nicola Davison
Tags: Fiction, Fiction XIV.II, Nicola Davison, Prose, XIV.II
Aug 20th, 2017 |
By Defenestration
They say the camera adds ten or even fifteen pounds. Maybe that’s why Harvey didn’t notice the dragon was quite so big until the darn thing actually ate him.
Posted in Fiction, Prose |
Comments Off on “Monster of the Week,” by Fred Coppersmith
Tags: Fiction, Fiction XIV.II, Fred Coppersmith, Prose, XIV.II
Aug 20th, 2017 |
By Defenestration
Scalp 1: (Brunette male, crew cut) I’m leaving this note for my progeny. In the future, I will be known as the Savior of the World. You’re probably reading this from behind a glass box in some overrated museum where you have to eat Triscuits and sip apple juice while looking really constipated. Congratulations on finding the only cool thing on display. The scalp I’m writing on was from a guy you would have liked. Running out of room. I’ll switch to the redhead.
Posted in Fiction, Prose |
Comments Off on “Auntie Barb Saves the World,” by Christina Scott
Tags: Christina Scott, Fiction, Fiction XIV.II, Prose, XIV.II
Aug 20th, 2017 |
By Defenestration
Perfectly cooked lobster is surely one of life’s pleasures. Making lobster on your holiday may seem like a lavish affair, but we’ve put together an easy recipe anyone can make – spectacular succulent lobster in sea salted water.
Posted in Fiction, Prose |
Comments Off on “Fresh Seawater Lobster,” by Wendy Garnier
Tags: Fiction, Fiction XIV.II, Prose, Wendy Garnier, XIV.II