“Are You Going to an Improv Show or to the Dentist?” by Blayr Austin

Aug 16th, 2023 | By | Category: Nonfiction, Prose

1. Someone begs you to come.

2. As soon as you arrive, you realize this was a big mistake.

3. You have a hard time understanding what’s going on.

4. You wonder if they’re purposely hurting you.

5. You reassure yourself eventually it will be over soon.

6. But it still isn’t over.

7. It’s endless.

8. You pretend everything went smoothly although this is clearly not the case.

9. You swear you’ll never return.

10. Someone begs you to come.

Improv Show: 1-10
Dentist: 1-10


Blayr Austin is a comedy writer and a teacher at The Second City. She created the classes Writing Sadness Through Humor and Writing the Humorous Personal Essay. Her writing can be seen in The New York Times, McSweeney’s, and elsewhere. You can follow her on Twitter @BlayrAustin

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