“A Completely Hypothetical Grading Schedule for 20 Sophomore Research Essays,” by Sean Scanlan

Sep 25th, 2013 | By | Category: Fake Nonfiction, Prose

09252013 Sean Scanlan, Grading Schedule


Defenestration-Sean ScanlanSean Scanlan teaches students how to write long sentences at New York City College of Technology, which is part of the City University of New York system (and which is lovingly called “City Tech”), and–he often emphasizes this next bit–his school is very close to the Brooklyn Bridge and Brooklyn Bridge Park, where he often goes to compose lesson plans for his classes on world poetry, transnational literature, and beginning and advanced composition courses, but besides all of that, he also edits an online academic journal called NANO: New American Notes Online (www.nanocrit.com), and, finally, he enjoys reading words on digital interfaces as well as on paper interfaces.

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