Welcome, one and all, to the August 2010 issue of Defenestration!
Prepare yourselves. Prepare to fall in love with hilarity. Because it’s here, on every digital page. That’s how we roll here at Defenestration. This issue’s offerings are pretty hefty: four of the short stories this time around are well over 2,000 words, and two of those go beyond 3,000. After this read, you’ll be able to pat your belly with contentment. (Or whatever other body part you tap when you’re content. I won’t ask. I’m generally a polite guy.) Just be warned that some of this month’s content might be considered Not Safe For Work, so don’t let the boss read this over your shoulder unless he or she is comfortable with the word “ejaculation.”
You can explore the August 2010 issue of Defenestration from right here on the front page, or you can follow the links below. This issue is also available as a free downloadable .pdf file, because we know there are some of you out there that still like to print things out and read from the skins of murdered trees.
And starting today, we are once again open to poetry and short story submissions. We’ll be reading for the December 20th issue. The reading period ends on December 5th, so give us your best shot. We’ll be waiting.
—Andrew Kaye, Editor-in-Chief
Table of Contents
Evan Allgood, “Orlando Bloom in Morning”
Paul Giles, “Famous Last Words”
Short Stories:
David Cotrone, “The Anatomy of Solace (Does Marie Antoinette Need Glasses?)”
Leslie Haynsworth, “The Jane Austen Politico Fan Club”
Robert Scotellaro, “The Saint of Redirection”
Downloadable Copy: