Granite Tracings is a small, stone-based literary magazine. Our mission: Exploration of the linguistic and epistemological concept of the commandment and how it relates to modern life.Our submission guidelines are simple, but ignore them at your peril. We’re well connected in the wrath department!
1. Your submission must be in the form of a commandment. It must tell the reader what to do, or preferably, what not to do. We are open to any kind of commandments, but are especially partial to those that suck the fun right out of life.
2. All submissions must be a paragraph or shorter. No exceptions.
3. We will immediately reject any submission that includes name calling, personal accusations or other potential “Bible libel.” Been there. Done that. Amen.
4. All submissions must be carved in stone, double-spaced, no indents. No bevels or other fancy formatting. Granite only! Please, no marble or dolomite.
5. Please enclose a self-addressed stamped packing crate if you would like your submission returned.
6. There is no payment at this time, however consideration will be given in the afterlife.
7. By submitting your work to us, you are agreeing that we are free to attribute it to another author or deity at our discretion.
Thou shalt send us thy best work!
Lydia Fazio Theys lives in Connecticut with her husband and a pleasing mixture of great big kids, fat cats and a wee dog. Woodland creatures find the cat door and check in for a visit from time to time. Lydia’s work has appeared online and in print, including Cezanne’s Carrot, flashquake, Opium, Yankee Pot Roast, Gator Springs Gazette, Moondance (Pushcart nominee), Quintessence, All Things Girl, Somewhat, Mad Hatter’s Review, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, Quiction, HeavyGlow and the humor anthology Just Bite Me; on KRCB public radio; on a coffee mug and as inspiration for a dance. Thou shalt read more of her stuff.