Posts Tagged ‘ Poetry VI.IV ’

“A Very Boring Middle Finger,” by Ricki Hunsinger

Feb 20th, 2009 | By

I am startled by a blaring honk And I see- a middle finger spring up before me. It made me want to act on nothing. It was the most boring middle finger I have ever seen; lacking in all passion and artistry. (a Monster truck on valium.) No more incredible than a blade of grass

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“Poem for a Reputable Lit Mag,” by Megan Roth

Feb 20th, 2009 | By

A thin letter from the Likely Review sits in my mailbox. I will use my scythe to exhume the letter from its holder. In the mailbox, the envelope dozes atop a coupon From Bed Bath and Beyond, a material image of sorts. Above, the clouds are clouding around me. This draws up existential questions, and

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“A Rose Is,” by Li Min Hua

Feb 20th, 2009 | By

No, Sister Gertie, A rose is a flower is a resurrection is an erection is a momento is an Is. ———— Li Min Hua is the author of 1,918 published poems and essays. He has edited special issues of College English and Margins. He has written three poetry volumes Sunspots (Lotus Press, Detroit, 1976) Midnight

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