“Lady Macbeth Channels the Cat in the Hat,” by Mary Cresswell

Apr 20th, 2022 | By | Category: Poetry

I do not like you, Duncan King,
old fart lord of everything—
I will smite you with a pox
stick you in a wooden box

Same to you, you Lord Macduff—
get off home, you’ve done enough
Soon you’ll know in one fell swoop
what it’s like to lose a group

Total bonkers I do be
just leave all the rest to me
Then my darling will be king
crafty daft hereafter king


Mary Cresswell is from Los Angeles and has lived for many many years on New Zealand’s Kapiti coast. As a child, they fed her Edgar Allen Poe, Ogden Nash, and Cole Porter, hence her lingering passion for light verse. Go figure.

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