
Feb 27th, 2015 | By | Category: Ben & Winslow

02272015 Phonetics


Originally I wanted to do a comic where Winslow was speaking in Old English, but that was only because I wanted to incorporate a bunch of old letters English speakers don’t use anymore. But then I thought, the International Phonetic Alphabet has all of those letters and a whole bunch of other crazy-ass letters. So then I created this thing, which will probably cause heads to explode with its obscurity. I don’t like giving away jokes, so I won’t attempt to explain or even translate this one, but if you’re having trouble figuring out what Winslow’s saying, you could always take a look at the International Phonetic Alphabet or and translate. :)


Andrew Kaye (known in some circles as AK) is the creator of Ben & Winslow and other questionable comics, many of which can be found in his deviantART gallery and his Tumblr. He’s also the editor-in-chief of this magazine. Duh?

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