
Jun 6th, 2014 | By | Category: Ben & Winslow

06062014 Futuremen


Presenting: the last of these ridiculous time travel comics. And this one is even more ridiculous than the others. Probably.

Wable is, of course, based on the time-traveling Marvel superhero Cable. Little Wable is based on Cable’s rarely talked about cyborg penis.

While I didn’t intend this to be the case, this comic actually brings up a lot of interesting questions. If Wable is Winslow’s grandson, that means he’ll have at least one kid in his lifetime. That terrifies me, so it should terrify all of you.


Andrew Kaye (known in some circles as AK) is the creator of Ben & Winslow and other questionable comics, many of which can be found in his deviantART gallery and his Tumblr. He’s also the editor-in-chief of this magazine. Duh?

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