Defenestration: December 2012

Dec 20th, 2012 | By | Category: Archives, Editorials, Featured

Welcome to December 2012, travelers!

I’ll jump right into this editorial biz: I love it when a submission stick with me.

After the initial read, the hold request, the dozens of other submissions that come and go… it’s nice to reach the end of the reading period and vividly remember the stuff I held onto. Take, for example, Addison Clift’s “The Passenger.” That was one of the first stories we added to the pending pile, way back in early September. But when the reading period closed, I knew I wanted it in this issue. I remembered it. More than that–every time I stepped into a subway car, I though about it, as if any moment a fellow commuter would shed his skin and devour the other passengers. (This was especially true when a crazy guy boarded the train and started talking about how he was President Obama’s brother and how Dr. King “never took shit from no one,” and then had a long discourse with an invisible friend that involved the Kennedy assassination and several unkind comments about women. “Phara Koltana I am your vessel!” wasn’t far off.)

This issue is full of memorable stuff. Here’s a taste: Superheroes. Miracles. Parking violations. The living dead. Sweetness and sacrilege. Sex and violence. And so on. That being said, some of this month’s content contains strong language and mature themes. It’s not for the pearl-clutching, vapors-prone masses. You have been warned!

I don’t know what the new year will hold, but we want your stories and poems to be a part of it. We’re now taking submissions for our April 2013 issue. Send us your best!

—Andrew Kaye, Editor-in-Chief

Colin Dodds, “A Shared Monastery”
Maria Bonsanti, Two Poems
Gerald So, Two Poems
Shannon Connor Winward, “‘Tis Relative”

Short Stories:
Addison Clift, “The Passenger”
Alia Volz, “Wutown”
Patrick Irelan, “The Miracle Boy”
Matt Demers, “My Name is Dave and I am Dead”
Steven Gowin, “Sighting”
Wayne Helge, “Introducing Entropy Girl”

Downloadable Copy:

Defenestration, December 2012

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