“Indexers in Love,” by Mary Cresswell

Dec 20th, 2011 | By | Category: Poetry

hail, fellow well met, 1
handful, protagonist seen as quite a, 2
happiness as goal, 46
hazards, 56, 75, 113
headstrong, 2
heart: broken, 56; in mouth, 24–28; murmur, 123; of darkness, 307. See also lungs, liver, lights
height: of foolishness, 145–151; of rapture, 48
hemisphere: as opposed to semi-circle, 34–35; her bottom compared to Southern H., 86
hiatus, 48, 75, 102, 135, 187, 220, 258, 300
him: described, 5–320 passim; suggested modifications to, 98–103; temper, 298
hint: ignored at peril, 97; veiled, 26ff. See also soupçon
honk: existential sorrow induced by migrating geese, 67; h. if love Jesus, 57n
hormones: hers, 45; his, 44; postulated imbalance of, 46
humongous, refusal to accept as real word seen as guarantee of long-term compatibility, 15–16
humour: aqueous, 201; bad, 45; totally lacking sense of, 275
hymen. See recovered memory
hysteria: hereditary factors in, 304; removed from list of terminal ailments, 320n


Mary Cresswell is a retired science editor from Los Angeles who lives on New Zealand’s Kapiti coast. Her third book, Trace Fossils, was just published in New Zealand. She has had work in Light Quarterly and LightenUpOnline, and she is also capable of taking things seriously. More about her at: www.bookcouncil.org.nz/Writers/Profiles/Cresswell,%20Mary

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