This is a religion for the lazy and the isolationist. In a world full of bad people doing bad things (and also irritating people doing irritating things, and teenagers, and elderly drivers, and people with funny accents, and people with accents that aren’t funny enough), the only solution is to lock yourself away somewhere and ignore everything. Kurt the Cynic understands this. He’s a prophet of… not the end times, but certainly the times that are too bewildering to bother contemplating.
Join the Church of Big Peanuts. Have some soda, and some pie, and maybe a lemon with a peppermint stick in it (they’re friggin’ awesome). Become one of the Cacahuatians. It will change your life.
Now, I know some of you are wondering, “What did Winslow do with the baptismal font?” If you guessed that he peed in it, you would be dead wrong. Come on. Winslow’s more creative than that.
Actually, Winslow stole a baptismal font and entered it into a local soapbox derby. The font–which was modified with a set of wheels from a lawn mower and a crude steering mechanism–was called “Magnici-font: The Holy Roller,” and Winslow entered under the name “Holy Driver.” He dressed like John the Baptist. That would have been bad enough, but Winslow actually won the competition, winning the grand prize of appearing in a commercial for the derby sponsors… who happened to be a liquor store and a local strip club. Winslow appeared in full costume.
Andrew Kaye (known in some circles as AK) is the creator of Ben & Winslow and other questionable comics, many of which can be found in his deviantART gallery. He’s also the editor-in-chief of this magazine. Duh?