“A Very Boring Middle Finger,” by Ricki Hunsinger

Feb 20th, 2009 | By | Category: Poetry

I am startled

by a blaring honk

And I see-

a middle finger

spring up before me.

It made me want to

act on nothing.

It was the most boring middle finger

I have ever seen;

lacking in all passion and artistry.

(a Monster truck on valium.)

No more incredible

than a blade of grass

lifting back up

after being brushed down.

I am disappointingly unmoved,

like the night I walked out of the play

“Waiting for Godot.”

I just

didn’t have the time.

Take your finger

and go tuck yourself

shamefully away

like Napoleon’s

deformed little hand.


Ricki Hunsinger is an emerging writer from the Baltimore area.She is a graduate with a B.A. in English from Chatham University. In her spare time she enjoys eating fresh figs, daydreaming about her future metal band: “Colitis Emperor”, and sitting around on jungle gyms. She currently works as a library assistant.

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