“Wrinkles,” by Cori Steinberg

Apr 20th, 2023 | By | Category: Prose

My steamer died
I’m so depressed
I have to wear a wrinkled dress

My cat threw up
I’m so depressed
Now I have to clean the mess

I bit my tongue
I’m tho deprethed
Now ith hard to thay an eth

So on it goes
So every day
Things get us depressed

What if—I thought
Just for a lark
I try the opposite?

I woke up!
The milk’s not bad!
The old roof has no leak!

The sink drained down!
I like my mom!
The garbage doesn’t stink!

I give a laugh
And start my day
No longer in distress

I clean the puke
I nurse my tongue
And wear my wrinkled dress.


Cori Steinberg is a lawyer now living in Colorado after having spent most of her life in Southern California. She enjoys writing poetry (often rhyming and humorous) in her free time, in between studying Spanish on Duolingo and listening to true crime podcasts. She is still new to being published—other than Defenestration, she has recently had two poems published in The Chained Muse online poetry journal.

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