“Hera,” by Marianne Gambaro

Dec 20th, 2022 | By | Category: Poetry

In a golden palace on Olympus
she soaks in her alabaster tub
and looks disdainfully at her tummy
made flaccid by too many draughts of ambrosia
and by whelping too many demi-gods.
She gives it a tentative jiggle
swamping ships and inundating islands.


An escapee from New Jersey, Marianne Gambaro writes and gardens in verdant Belchertown, Massachusetts, where she lives with her talented photographer-husband and two feline critics. She trains cats (which is a real thing) at her regional humane society. Publications which, during a momentary lapse in judgment, have been kind enough to publish her work include Oberon Poetry Magazine, CALYX, Mudfish, and The Naugatuck River Review. She is author of the chapbook, Do NOT Stop for Hitchhikers (Finishing Line Press).  https://margampoetry.wordpress.com/

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