“X-Men Epilogues: Days of Past Forgotten,” by Neil Fulwood

Aug 20th, 2015 | By | Category: Poetry

Charles Xavier’s sulked in his room
since matron said Cerebro was banned:
why triple the leccy bill when there’s
a copy of the Yellow Pages to hand?

Magneto misses manipulating metals.
Fuck aluminium and his inability
to summon the pitiful zimmerframe
in time enough to go for a pee.

Storm falls asleep before the telly
as bad weather strafes the building.
Now and then she comes awake
and grins at the thunder and lightning.

Wolverine makes some extra cash
pruning the flowerbeds, trimming
the hedges. Garden waste, piled
high; a spent cigar, smouldering.


Defenestration-Neil Fulwood 2Neil Fulwood was born in 1972, the son of a truck driver, the grandson of a miner. He decided to be awkward and write poetry. Forty years and numerous warnings later some of it’s actually been published in places like The Morning Star, Butcher’s Dog, The Black Light Engine Room, London Grip, and Ink Sweat & Tears. Neil lives in Nottingham where he subsidizes several real ale pubs, holds down a day job and someone manages to avoid getting the sack.

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