“When The New York Times Embraces The Lunatic Fringe,” by Tony Peyser

Aug 20th, 2014 | By | Category: Poetry

Maybe this reporter is competent and only
Momentarily seemed like a dumb hack
In this style piece that breathlessly declared
That bangs are now making a comeback.

I don’t mean to weigh in here & sound
Like some anti-fashion sorehead
But men looking at women rarely say,
“Whoa! Check out her forehead.”


Defenestration-Generic Male 02Tony Peyser briefly lived on a Koala and once punched the moon in the face. As an editorial cartoonist for the L.A. Times from 1994 to 1997, he drew daily cartoons about the O.J. Simpson criminal trial. From 2004 to 2012, he wrote daily poems about national politics for BuzzFlash, the news and commentary site. He was a semifinalist for the 2008 Wabash Poetry Prize. London-based Eyewear Publishing has a book coming out later this year called The Poet’s Quest for God, and this collection includes one of his poems.

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