“Ghoul with Spiked Hair in a Spooky Cemetery,” by Steve Cartwright

Oct 30th, 2011 | By | Category: Visuals

For your day-before-Halloween (aka “Cabbage Night”) amusement: a drawing! With a ghost and a cigar-smoking ghoul! In a cemetery!


Steve says: “It’s well known that an artist becomes more popular by dying, so I’m typing this with one hand while pummeling my head with a frozen mackerel with the other. I’ve done art for several magazines, newspapers, websites, commercial and governmental clients, books, and scribbling—but mostly drooling—on tavern napkins. I also create art pro bono for several animal rescue groups. I was awarded the 2004 James Award for my cover art for Champagne Shivers. I recently illustrated the Cimarron Review, Stories for Children, and Still Crazy magazine covers. Take a gander (or a goose) at my online gallery: www.angelfire.com/sc2/cartoonsbycartwright.”

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