It’s A Lifestyle
A dear friend
was missing two Netflix movies,
she looked everywhere
on the computer table
the television stand
cutting table,
sorted through stacks of
finally gave up in despair,
wondering what
the replacement cost would be,
she told me all about it at lunch,
later that day
when she called to tell me
they’d just arrived in the mail,
I couldn’t find the phone.
Baroque Osmosis
I’ve written elsewhere
about sleeping
most nights
with poetry books
and poetry magazines
scattered across my bed,
books I like,
Bukowski mostly
and magazines I like
The New York Quarterly
Beyond Baroque
and so many more,
I sleep with them,
with osmosis dreams,
wistfully hoping
something there
might subconsciously
enter my mind
and inspire me,
but one night
I awoke with a start,
in a cold sweat,
short of breath,
seized by a moment of panic,
and thrashing about
I discovered something
lurking under the others –
a self-published book
by a bland and lifeless poet,
and Kurtz said it first,
but I say it here,
my god,
the horror,
the horror.
Paul Hellweg has felt his whole life as if he didn’t fit in. Then a few months ago he discovered a new world of kindred spirits in the poetry universe, both online and at readings throughout the Los Angeles area. He’s thrilled to have finally found a place where he fits in just fine, sober or otherwise.