Welcome to the August 2008 issue of Defenestration. It’s new and improved and deemed fit for human consumption by the Guild of Literary Magazines and Fishmongers.
As you can see everything is very, very different from the way it was back in the day (“back in the day” meaning May, for those of you keeping track). It’s so different that we haven’t finished archiving all the old issues, but they’ll be up slowly but surely and you’ll once again be able to read stuff from back in Defenestration‘s infancy. You know, back when we were precocious.
I’ll keep this editorial short, because I want all of you to concentrate all of your brain cells (minus the ones that control vital bodily functions) on the magazine this month, which includes all the usual stuff you’ve come to expect, served on a bed of rice with smoked salmon and almonds. You’ll love it.
Oh, and remember that with the new look is a new submissions e-mail address. Click on the Submissions link over yonder and check it out.
—Andrew Kaye, Editor-in-Chief