Defenestration Volume III, Issue XII
Follow the above link to view the entire October 2006 issue of Defenestration. You can also download it to your computer by right-clicking and selecting “Save As.” This issue contains the following:
Pete Lee, Two Poems
Raud Kennedy, Two Poems
Sandy Hiss, “Denim”
Kevin O’Cuinn, “I want to make love to Sweden”
C.L. Bledsoe, “Poem”
J. Marcus Weekley, “One How-Not-To-Be-Funny Manual”
Michael Pelc, “Submission Guidelines”
Shawn Roney, Eric Pointer, and Mark Moyer, “The Molar Meditations by Ivan O’Uris”
Christy C., “Hippo”
Dan Copulsky, “Doctor”
Steve Cartwright, “God Takes A Drink”