Defenestration Volume III, Issue IV
Follow the above link to view the entire February 2006 issue of Defenestration. You can also download it to your computer by right-clicking and selecting “Save As.” This issue contains the following:
Ally Harris, “bike ride 1”
Holly Day, Two Poems
Mike Brown, “I love you. Seriously.”
Quentin B. Huff, “Sister”
Allison Landa, “Tragic Estates”
Brian G. Ross, “Carpet Burned”
John Ellingsworth, “An Interview With Spike Lee”
Larry Gaffney, “Invitation”
Malerie Yolen-Cohen, “A Less Than Remarkable Life”
Jeremiah Stansbury, “Monkey Bars,” with text by Luigi Fairbanks
Leslie Lee, “Eyes And Fingers And Stuff”