Defenestration Volume II, Issue X
Follow the above link to view the entire August 2005 issue of Defenestration. You can also download it to your computer by right-clicking and selecting “Save As.” This issue contains the following:
C.L. Bledsoe, “Oh My Darling, Darling, Doe-eyed Dental Hygenist”
David Gwilym Anthony, “Cushioning the Blow”
Fran LeMoine, Three Poems
J.D. Nelson, “4 rings”
Bryon Quartermous, “Sharp Dressed Man”
David Gaffney, “Give me a sign”
Jack Goodstein, “Big Brothel”
Jonathan Shipley, “Shoo!”
Matt Camplomi, “Value Meal”
Ryan Nemeth, “Letter From Home”
Sara Holt, “I Painted Andy Warhol,” with text by Luigi Fairbanks
Stephanie O’Donnell, “Moments of Randomness, Episode 1”