Defenestration: July 2005

Jul 20th, 2005 | By | Category: Archives

Defenestration Volume II, Issue IX

Follow the above link to view the entire July 2005 issue of Defenestration. You can also download it to your computer by right-clicking and selecting “Save As.” This issue contains the following:


Fran LeMoine, Three Poems

Gerald Bosacker, “Dear Pentagon”

Li Min Hua, Two Poems

Willie Smith, “Vapid”


Adam McGrath, “What is the Density of Curiosity?”

David Gaffney, “Last to know”

Alison Burke, “Alison Uncovers: The Invention of the Glockenspiel”

Larry Gaffney, “Torture For Athletes”

Victor Schwartzman, “Multi-Tasking”


My Eklund, “Wooden Teeth,” with text by Luigi Fairbanks

Truccie, “The Marians”

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