Defenestration Volume II, Issue VII
Follow the above link to view the entire May 2005 issue of Defenestration. You can also download it to your computer by right-clicking and selecting “Save As.” This issue contains the following, some of which may be NSFW:
The Defenestration Sonnet Contest
Arlene Ang, “The Seduction of Andrew”
Haratron’s Kidnapper, “Rhyme and Ransom”
Crispin Weatherall, “What is it ‘bout the man of words”
Anna Psitos, “In view of those I do not know about”
Bernie Poliquin, “Sonnet XVIII Reloaded”
Anna Psitos, “An Injurious Fall, of When Humor Strikes”
Jason Arbogast, “Dee’s Zine”
Jeff Nowak, “My Fool”
Paul B. Hertneky, “An Overdue Proposal”
Rob Rosen, “Porno For The Lord”
Ricky Garni, “Love From, Of Course, Crispy”
Stephanie O’Donnell, “Penpals With God, Episode 4”