Defenestration Volume I, Issue XI
Follow the above link to view the entire September 2004 issue of Defenestration. You can also download it to your computer by right-clicking and selecting “Save As.” This issue contains the following, some of which may be NSFW:
Bryan Thao Worra, Two Poems
Cindy Puzak, “White Trash Lament”
J.D. Nelson, Three Poems
K.T. May, “Misguided Haikus”
Karen Ashburner, “What The Freudians Need More Than Anything Else Is To Acquire One Or Two Poet-Minded Interpreters”
Alex Keegan, “Deborah Tavistock’s Problem”
Allison McVety, “Boys Own Club”
Antony Davies, “The Day Death Missed The Bus”
Mike Fowler, “A Brief History of Machismo, With Attention to the Male Mystique”
Nathan Graziano, “Pete And My Peter”
Ross Eldridge, “The Brightest Invention Under Heaven”
Vanessa Gebbie, “A Ride For Miss M”
Elise Ure, “The Art of Ass Talking”
Valerie, “Boozin’ Monkeys Are Awesome”