Defenestration Volume I, Issue IX
Follow the above link to view the entire July 2004 issue of Defenestration. You can also download it to your computer by right-clicking and selecting “Save As.” This issue contains the following:
Allen Coyle, “Toilet Stall Poetry”
Andrew T. Duncan, Two Poems
David Choate, “Ode to an Academic”
R. Roberts-Mesta, “The Pooter”
Charlotte Jones, “I’m No Anna Nicole”
Dave Whippmann, “The Swashbuckler—Finding and Keeping Him. A Ladies’ Guide”
David Holub, “Found at the Dump” 3
Kane X. Faucher, A Selection from Tyranny Whenever
Rob Rosen, “Zen Cola”
Vanessa Gebbie, “Revisiting Luther”
Chris Katko, “W And His Trusty Steed”
Matt Fletcher, “Legless Horse”