Defenestration Volume I, Issue III
Follow the above link to view the entire January 2004 issue of Defenestration. You can also download it to your computer by right-clicking and selecting “Save As.” This issue contains the following:
Brooke Bailey, “A Twist on Cliché”
Bryan Thao Worra, “Chances”
Gary Lehmann, “Infinity – Thou Must DIE!”
Damien Calis, “Culinary Misunderstanding”
Dante Kleinberg, “Excerpt’s From A Fish’s Diary”
Jonathan Redhorse, “Mr. Crow, Volume 1”
Joseph Kim, “Hi, is this Hitler?”
Stephen Swycher, “Generation Gap”
Todd Werkhoven, “The Truth About Camping”
Peter Funk, “Alf Lives”
Sascha Grant, “The Park Face”
Steve Langille, A Strange Breed Comic