Defenestration: December 2003

Dec 20th, 2003 | By | Category: Archives

Defenestration Volume I, Issue II

Follow the above link to view the entire December 2003 issue of Defenestration. You can also download it to your computer by right-clicking and selecting “Save As.” This issue contains the following:


Iain Maloney, “A Swiss Holiday”

Susan Landon, “Cereal Ode”

David Gwilym Anthony, “To Die For”


Iain Maloney, “A History of Our Lord Rene Descartes”

Nicola Barry, “Coll, World’s Most Adorable Pup”

Joseph Kim, “Crasher”

Charlotte Jones, “Family Tree”

Devon Lougheed, “Five Reasons Why My Housemates Hate Me”

Andrew Tibbetts, “My Gay Day With Attourney General Ashcroft”

Lynsey Calderwood, “The Listener”


Steve Langille, A Strange Breed Comic

Justin Barrett, “Carpool Tunnel Syndrome”

Kirk Kuenzi, “Holiday Cheer”

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