The Best Fake Movies of 2011: An Early Look

Sep 30th, 2010 | By | Category: Prose

It’s never too early to look ahead to fake-movie awards season! (No joke, I spent most of my college life looking forward to 2003 so The Lord of the Rings could finally win its collective Oscar and get it over with already. This is a little less early than that. Barely.)

However, for movie enthusiasts, this year’s awards season is looking a little thin on the ground (members of the Academy having already been ordered to give all Oscars to real movie The King’s Speech), and everything else inexplicably starring a series of unfunny, grooming-challenged men.

So, since 2010 is a bust, we’ve decided to look ahead to next year, and where we didn’t find the sort of movies we wanted, we just invented our own.

Below, our picks for the most successful and awards-worthy fake movies of 2011!

Photo credit: celeb photos and amazing octopus tentacle via GettyImages, borrowed with the hope that they’ll understand we’re too poor to sue unless they put a lien on the change Andrew finds in his couch cushions. All other photos are from schmancy photo shoots from Vogue, which is run by people who commute to work on their flying leopard-skin carpets, and we hope they don’t sue us because they’re too important to do their own typing and find us.


Genevieve is a prolific writer of speculative fiction living in New York, but you’ll never find her there because millions of people live there and Genevieve likes her privacy. Examples of her fiction can be found in Strange Horizons, Fantasy Magazine, Federations, and numerous other magazines and anthologies. Her first novel is forthcoming in 2011. Also? She has terrible taste in movies.


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