Posts Tagged ‘ Poetry VI.III ’

“Females And Their Ideas Of The Purpose Of Babies,” by Daniel Gallik

Jan 20th, 2009 | By

She told me she was going to tell me how we were going to be. I said I wanted to be silent.. She yelled silence was her fortune. I asked her, pleaded with her to get a new car. She said I was a waste of money. Then, she hugged me and told me I

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“before i die,” by Jason Barber

Jan 20th, 2009 | By

shoplift saffron. include the word “carthaginian” in a title. be naked for days on end. understand and consume cheese. chop at bales of hay with a machete. extrude mud. form bricks. wear yellow and baby blue, together. lightly touch a woman’s lower back dimples with the gooey side of a warm aloe vera leaf. witness

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“2 Poems,” by Jonathan Kessler

Jan 20th, 2009 | By

Hobbies The kid called them little micro planets,With unending patience a nine year old boy explained to me that they weren’t just lights in the sky. I told him that if he continued with this poor behavior they wouldn’t shine for him. Ever! It didn’t matter to me because my childhood was made up of

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