Posts Tagged ‘ editorial VI.I ’

Defenestration: November 2008

Nov 20th, 2008 | By

Welcome to the November 2008 issue of Defenestration. By reading this instead of other publications, you’re garuanteed to decrease your carbon footprint by nearly two shoe sizes! (Andrew and Eileen and Genevieve asked me to write that joke. They said, “Hey, Bigfoot, you should do a carbon footprint joke, on account of ‘carbon footprint’ being something

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Defenestration: December 2007

Dec 20th, 2007 | By

Welcome, one and all, to the December issue of Defenestration! It’s late. I know it’s late, you know it’s late, Eileen knows it’s late, Genevieve knows it’s late, Bigfoot knows it’s late, the Elm Tree knows it’s late, that old guy sitting outside your bedroom throwing birdseed at your window and humming Abba songs knows

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