“Substitution,” by E. Laura Goldberg

Aug 20th, 2020 | By | Category: Poetry

The white square bowls
with their curved sides
align in the dishwasher
neatly overlapping.

If you put your head
to one side
they look like
the Sydney Opera House.

We couldn’t afford the tickets,
wouldn’t afford the tour,
so now we slant our heads
and look at dirty dishes.

E. Laura Goldberg’s poetry will be published in Rattle in December 2020 and has appeared in Poet Lore, The Laurel Review, Beltway Poetry Quarterly, Birmingham Poetry Review, Spillway, RHINO, and the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, among other places.She is completing her first collection of poetry, entitled Commitment. Her web page is www.ELauraGolberg.com/

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