Pink Snow

Jan 4th, 2013 | By | Category: Ben & Winslow

01042012 Pink Snow


Welcome to 2013, fools! I decided to start things out right this year by drawing a comic with unexpected subject matter. So today we have a Ben & Winslow strip all about menstruation. If you were keeping a list of all the potential subjects I could have written about, go ahead and mark that one off. I can wait.

A recent poll conducted over at deviantART asked what folks wanted to see more of in Ben & Winslow. The top three choices were “Geeky References,” “Puns,” and “People getting mauled by bears.” I’ll tackle that third one later, but for today, I’ve managed to include the first one. If you get the geeky reference, shout it out loud! I won’t be able to hear you, but it will probably make you feel better. And there isn’t a pun in this, but there is a portmanteau, so that should make some of you happy.


Andrew Kaye (known in some circles as AK) is the creator of Ben & Winslow and other questionable comics, many of which can be found in his deviantART gallery. He’s also the editor-in-chief of this magazine. Duh?

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