Snow Parents

Jan 14th, 2011 | By | Category: Ben & Winslow


Some people are raised by foster parents. Or wolves. Annie was raised by snow. At least, that’s what she seems to believe.

Her snow father, while being a loving snow husband to his snow wife, has been frequently caught ogling the larger, firmer breasts of other snow women. And Annie’s snow mother, bless her ice cube soul, hasn’t said a word of complaint. She has, however, taken her snow husband’s wandering eyes-made-out-of-coal to heart. Her cup size has steadily increased winter after winter. Don’t think Annie’s snow father hasn’t noticed. Just look at that grin!

It’s fun to watch the supporting cast evolve their own little quirks. Annie is developing a tendency to latch on to inanimate objects. :)


Andrew Kaye (known in some circles as AK) is the creator of Ben & Winslow and other questionable comics, many of which can be found in his deviantART gallery. He’s also the editor-in-chief of this magazine. Duh?

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