“A Special Treat,” by Harry Johnson

Apr 20th, 2009 | By | Category: Poetry

Sleepover weekend at the Websters’,

traveling carnival on the school playground;

fireworks, cotton candy, staying up late.

Our ride spinning like a pinwheel,

more like a slingshot – cables snapped,

women screamed, bodies flew a mile a minute.

I came to in a circle of enquiring faces,

flashing red lights, next to a wall of hay bales.

“Is my dad okay?”   He was.

I wet my bed that night.

Before falling asleep, I remembered dad

had let those two girls ahead of us in line.


Harry’s short story, “Bobby Metz’s Headache,” was the lead piece in the 2008 edition of The Clackamas Literary Review, available at Amazon.com. His bizarre story, “Jungle Dream” is currently frightening readers of the online journal, Sliptongue. “Next Time, A Rabbit” appeared in the penultimate edition of the brilliant but now defunct 21 Stars Review.

His work has also appeared in Apt, Rain Farm Press’s Paradigm, The Aggregated Press, Flask and Pen, Ink Filled Page, The Verse Marauder, Above Ground Testing, and Locust Magazine. He has a poem upcoming in Hiram Poetry Review and a non-fiction piece, “To The Colors,” in the upcoming inaugural issue of The Evening Street Review.

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